Wednesday, January 5, 2011

More ideas

illustration by Marie Cardouot
for the DIXIT boardgame

I had so much fun coming up with books for my reading challenge (see previous post) that I decided to come up with an entirely new challenge -- and it doesn't even have to do with reading!

Surprise someone:
Try a new food:
Check the voting record of one of your US legislators:
Do something you were going to do last year, but never got around to:
Write a LETTER to a facebook friend and send it via snailmail:
Memorize something:
Perform a random act of kindness:
Get rid of something you really don't need anymore:

Let me know if you'd like to join me in this challenge!

illustration by Marie Cardouot
for the DIXIT boardgame

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK, I'll try!
Can't wait to see your 2010 wrap up. Did you see mine?
Emma @ Words And Peace