image by Deborah DeWitt Marchant
Thanks to my good friend Emma, I've discovered a plethora of readers' blogs and reading challenges. Some of them are fairly complicated - with ground rules, sign up forms, feedback links, point systems and award procedures based on the number of books completed by a certain date. Others are much more relaxed, consisting simply of categories and tags for selecting books to be read in the coming months. I opted for the latter and had fun looking around until I finally decided on the "Back to the Classics" challenge:
And here's my list:
A Banned Book: Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck
A Book with a Wartime Setting (any war) - The Winds of War, Herman Wouk
A Pulitzer Prize (fiction) Winner - The Good Earth, Pearl S. Buck (1935)
A Children's Classic - The Wind in the Willows, Kenneth Graham
19th Century Classic - Middlemarch, George Elliot
20th Century Classic - The Age of Innocence - Edith Wharton
A book that could be considered a 21st Century classic - ????
A book to re-read from college - Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoevsky
Wonderful Trisha! Yes, the 21st Century classic is a tough one. We have one in common: Middlemach is also on my list for 2011 - post coming soon
by the way, i forgot to add that I just LOVE the illustration you put on your post. Gorgeous. I feel like repainting it on a rock. Emma
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